Loan Types
General Lending
- Undergraduate students may borrow up to 10 items from General Lending
- Postgraduate students and staff may borrow up to 50 items from General Lending
- Books are issued for an initial period of four weeks for undergraduates and 12 weeks for postgraduates and staff, unless the book is required by other readers
- Books may be renewed up to five times by undergraduates and once by postgraduates and staff, unless the book is required by other readers
- Items must be returned to the book-drop or self-service return kiosk of the Library from where they were borrowed. Returns are not currently being accepted at Service Counters
- No prefix, simply the shelfmark (for example, 370.9415 N33;3)
- ARTS (for example, ARTS 309.1415 N36)
- LEN in the BLU Libraries
- HIB in the Ussher Library
- MUS LEN in the Ussher Library
- P-MUS LEN in the Ussher Library
- S-LEN in the Hamilton Library
- SJ in the John Stearne Medical Library
- SJR in the John Stearne Medical Library
Most DVDs are currently General Lending items, and count as part of the General Lending allowance.
Consultation Only (including Short Loan)
These items are for consultation only and cannot leave the Library. Some material is available directly from reading rooms, some is in storage, and Short Loan items must be asked for at the relevant Service Counter.
Items on the shelves with the prefixes REF or BIB, Irish Archival copies, journals (prefixes PER, SER) and theses (prefix THESIS) are always for consultation only.
Short Loan
- In Stella Search these materials show as Behind Counter - readers should ask using the item's shelfmark at the relevant Service Counter
- Readers can borrow a maximum of two Short Loan items at any one time. This is in addition to the general 10-item consultation-only limit
- Short Loan items can only be issued to current Trinity staff and students. Visiting readers (including Library Link and Alumni readers) cannot borrow these materials
- Readers must return these materials before the Library closes that day, ideally to the Counter. Book return boxes can be used if the Counter is closed
- Fines of €1.50/hour start to accrue from 11:00 the next day
Early Printed Books and Special Collections
These items cannot be borrowed and may only be consulted in the interim Research Collections Reading Room in the basement of the Ussher Library.
Manuscripts and Archives Research Library Collections
These items cannot be borrowed and may only be consulted in the interim Research Collections Reading Room in the basement of the Ussher Library.