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Admissions: Current Trinity College Dublin Staff & Students

All members (staff and students) of the University are admitted to the Library of Trinity College Dublin reading rooms on production of your Trinity College Dublin ID card - we accept the physical ID card or the Trinity Live App ID.

Staff Borrowing - the Library Bond

Staff are required to sign the Library Bond in order to borrow. The Library Bond is an indemnity to pay €650 in the situation that books are damaged or not returned. The sum is not paid in advance.

Bond form for completion by new University staff

Bond forms should be completed, signed and returned.

This can be done by:

  • Saving the PDF, completing the relevant information, and inserting a digital signature. Save the completed form and e-mail it to the Admissions Counter:; or
  • Completing the relevant information, and printing the form. Add a physical signature, then scan and e-mail it to the Admissions Counter:; or
  • Completing the relevant information, and printing the form. Add a physical signature, then post it to Library Admissions, Library of Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2.